Hello! My name is Apsara Kumal, and I work as a massage technician.
For me, massage is not just a profession, it is a calling that I discovered over time and that has driven me to continuously improve my skills.
The massage techniques I apply, whether it’s relaxation massage or therapeutic massage, are designed to reduce tension, improve circulation, and help release accumulated stress. Fascinated by the healing power of massage, I have invested a lot of time learning various techniques and massage styles, such as relaxation massage, therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, and many others.
What started my passion for this field is the ability to help people regain balance between body and mind, restoring their energy and good mood through a careful and personalized approach. I understand that every body has its own story, and through massage, I can contribute to its healing and relaxation. My main goal is to improve my clients well-being, helping them relieve accumulated tension, muscle pain, or daily stress.
If you’re looking for a deeply relaxing and healing experience, I warmly invite you to visit me at Pleiada Boutique Hotel & Spa.
2021 – Nepal Spa Academy